Schooling: By the Numbers

Schooling: By the Numbers Joseph’s Schooling’s recent performance at the Tokyo Olympics sparked a huge reaction. Having won the 100m Butterfly at the Rio Olympics in 2016, it seemed that people expected Schooling to replicate his success in Tokyo. There were numerous snide remarks (most have been deleted) and expressions... [Read More]

Deep Learning for Aircraft Recognition Part I: Building a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) from Scratch

Computer Vision for the Military For the past few years, I’ve kept current on developments in machine learning (ML) through courses and interest groups. One thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of success stories were recycled from the business world. Although there are many potential military applications, especially for... [Read More]

Singapore COVID-19 Case Data

On Monday, I came down with flu (better now) and was issued a 5-day MC. Stuck at home, I thought it would be interesting to explore data on Singapore’s COVID-19 cases to see what insights could be drawn. This post contains some exploratory data analysis (EDA) on data from the... [Read More]

Machine Learning for Property Valuation

Discovering Property Valuation Recently, I discussed the property market with a friend who was a real estate agent. I became fascinated with the real estate market: the marketing, the negotiations, the incentives, and the contracting process. Of greatest interest to me was property valuation. I learned that property sellers used... [Read More]