
Lately, I’ve been working a lot on the Kaggle Titanic competition. To pick up good data science practices, I’ve been taking the time to work through many issues in my machine learning pipeline. One issue that I discovered in the pipeline was contamination. Contamination occurs when you include information about your test set in your training set, and results in an overly-optimistic estimate of your model’s score (accuracy, AUC, etc.). It generally arises from processing training and test data together before model validation. In this post, I provide two examples of contamination in the pipeline I used for the Kaggle Titanic competition.

Approach for the Kaggle Titanic Competition

Thus far, my broad approach was:

  1. Data cleaning
  2. Impute values to passenger Age
  3. Mean-encode categorical features
  4. Use cross validation for feature selection and hyperparameter tuning

The first phase required transformation of data that could be done safely on both training and test sets together without contamination. However, the next two phases (missing value imputation and mean encoding) required me to impute values or mean-encode the training set before performing the same transformations using the training set mappings on the test set. Finally, I discovered issues with my approach to cross validation in the fourth phase, but I’ll address these in a separate post.

# Import modules
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import warnings

# Settings
%matplotlib inline'ggplot')

Examples on Contamination

Example 1: Missing Value Imputation of Passenger Age

Approximately 20% of the observations in the feature Age were missing. As such, some kind of imputation was required to make the most of the data.

# Import data
df = pd.read_csv('../datasets/train.csv')

# Plot % missing values
(df.isnull().sum(axis = 0) / df.shape[0] * 100)
plt.title('% Missing')

Approach to Imputation

Having discovered that the distributions of age differed by passengers’ titles, I decided to impute missing values using random numbers (with a fixed random seed) drawn from a normal distribution with the following parameters:

  1. Mean: The median age of people with the same title.
  2. Standard Deviation: The standard deviation of age of people with the same title.
# Extract title
df['title'] = df.Name.str.replace('.*, ', '').str.replace(' .*', '')
df.title[(df.title != 'Mr.') & (df.title != 'Miss.') & (df.title != 'Mrs.') & (df.title != 'Master.')] = 'Other'

# Plot age distributions by title
plt.title('Distribution of Age by Density')

The Problem

The mistake I made was to perform the imputation on the entire dataset before running cross validation for feature selection and hyperparameter tuning. Suppose we have a dataset X_full that has been split into a training set X_train and a test set X_test, both containing the Age feature and other features generated from it. When I imputed missing values on X_full, I unknowingly included Age values from X_test to inform imputation in X_train, because the median and standard deviation of Age in the full dataset were derived from both X_train and X_test. To see how different they could be, I perform an arbitrary split of the data - first 700 observations for X_train and the remainder for X_test - and compare the distribution of age of passengers with title “Mrs.” and “Other”.

# Attach split identifier
df['Split'] = 'train'
df.loc[700:, 'Split'] = 'test'

# Plot distribution for passengers with the title Mrs.
df[df.title == 'Mrs.'].groupby('Split').Age.plot.density(legend = True)
df[df.title == 'Mrs.'].Age.plot.density(legend = True)
plt.title('Title == "Mrs."')

# Plot distribution for passengers with the title Other
df[df.title == 'Other'].groupby('Split').Age.plot.density(legend = True)
df[df.title == 'Other'].Age.plot.density(legend = True)
plt.title('Title == "Other"')

Using a combined distribution (purple) would compromise the estimates of median and standard deviation from the training set. This leads to inaccuracy because in reality, we would not know the true distribution of age of passengers in unseen data. All we have to work with is the train dataset. Hence, imputation on the test set must use the estimates of median and standard deviation from the training set.

Example 2: Encoding of Features

As part of feature engineering, I mean-encoded several categorical features. Mean encoding is a technique where you replace a category e.g. A, B, and C, with the proportion of “positive” target values it is associated with. In the example below, we have a dataset with 6 training observations, three of which are of category A, and three of which are of category B. 66.67% of category A observations are positive (target == 1) and 33.33% are negative (target == 0). Thus, we replace all As with 66.67%. We then do the same for all observations of category B. In the test set, the percentages are reversed for category A and B.

# Create fake data
fake_data = pd.DataFrame(
        {'target': 1, 'cat': 'A', 'split': 'train'}, {'target': 1, 'cat': 'A', 'split': 'train'},
        {'target': 0, 'cat': 'A', 'split': 'train'}, {'target': 1, 'cat': 'B', 'split': 'train'},
        {'target': 0, 'cat': 'B', 'split': 'train'}, {'target': 0, 'cat': 'B', 'split': 'train'},
        {'target': 0, 'cat': 'A', 'split': 'test'}, {'target': 0, 'cat': 'A', 'split': 'test'},
        {'target': 1, 'cat': 'A', 'split': 'test'}, {'target': 1, 'cat': 'B', 'split': 'test'},
        {'target': 1, 'cat': 'B', 'split': 'test'}, {'target': 0, 'cat': 'B', 'split': 'test'}

# Mean encoding
fake_data['cat_full'] ='cat').target.mean())
fake_data['train_only'] = fake_data[fake_data.split == 'train'][fake_data.split == 'train'].groupby('cat').target.mean())
fake_data['test_only'] = fake_data[fake_data.split == 'test'][fake_data.split == 'test'].groupby('cat').target.mean())
fake_data['test_mapped'] = fake_data[fake_data.split == 'test'][fake_data.split == 'train'].groupby('cat').target.mean())

# View
cat split target cat_full train_only test_only test_mapped
0 A train 1 0.5 0.666667 NaN NaN
1 A train 1 0.5 0.666667 NaN NaN
2 A train 0 0.5 0.666667 NaN NaN
3 B train 1 0.5 0.333333 NaN NaN
4 B train 0 0.5 0.333333 NaN NaN
5 B train 0 0.5 0.333333 NaN NaN
6 A test 0 0.5 NaN 0.333333 0.666667
7 A test 0 0.5 NaN 0.333333 0.666667
8 A test 1 0.5 NaN 0.333333 0.666667
9 B test 1 0.5 NaN 0.666667 0.333333
10 B test 1 0.5 NaN 0.666667 0.333333
11 B test 0 0.5 NaN 0.666667 0.333333

Had we used the full dataset to perform mean encoding, we would have obtained cat_full. That is, we would have (correctly) discovered that the category was not particularly useful for predicting the target. If instead we mapped the training set percentages to the test set, we would have obtained even worse predictions, because the true percentages in the test set were inversed. The model would likely have generated the opposite predictions. The principle here is that data from the test set must not be included in any transformations made on the training set.


To get unbiased estimates of model accuracy, we must ensure that no information on any feature in the test set is captured in the training set. This does not apply only when scoring the model on a validation set or a training set. It applies also to scoring of the model during cross validation (which I’ll address in a separate post). To avoid contamination, we need to identify data transformations or feature generation processes that might give away test set information, and handle them separately. These processes should be applied on the training set only, and the respective feature mappings should be saved so they can be applied to the test set.

Click here for the full Jupyter notebook.