
Thus far, I have written about ways to transform and encode numeric features, and to geocode and develop clusters of resale flats. These two steps generated new categorical features. In this post, I will demonstrate several ways to encode categorical features for our machine learning model.

# Import modules
import category_encoders as ce
from IPython.display import Image  
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pydotplus
import seaborn.apionly as sns
from sklearn import tree
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
import warnings

# Settings
%matplotlib inline

# Read data
hdb = pd.read_csv('resale-flat-prices-based-on-registration-date-from-jan-2015-onwards.csv')

Recap on New Features Generated

Numeric Features

In my first post on feature engineering, we looked at (1) transformation of non-normal features and (2) binning. Specifically, for (1), we performed a log transformation of the target (resale prices); for (2), we looked at fixed-width binning, quantile binning, and decision tree binning, with the latter two being preferred. For this post, I will use decision tree binning to convert floor area into a categorical feature for the purpose of demonstrating categorical feature encoding techniques.

First, we re-fit the decision tree to obtain the criteria for the respective bins.

# Prepare data
y_train = hdb.resale_price
X_train = hdb[['floor_area_sqm']]

# Configure decision tree regressor
dt_model = DecisionTreeRegressor(
    criterion = 'mse',
    max_depth = 4,
    min_samples_leaf = 6500,
    random_state = 123

# Fit data, y_train)

# Plot
dot_data = tree.export_graphviz(
    dt_model, feature_names=['floor_area'],
    out_file=None, filled=True,
    rounded=True, precision = 0

# Draw graph
graph = pydotplus.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data)  

# Show graph
Image(graph.create_png(), width = 750)

Next, we extract the leaf node IDs using the apply function from our decision tree regressor model. We then rename the categories in order of their predicted mean value.

# Extract end nodes
hdb['floor_area'] = dt_model.apply(X_train)

# Re-name end nodes
hdb['floor_area'][hdb.floor_area == 2] = 1
hdb['floor_area'][hdb.floor_area == 3] = 2
hdb['floor_area'][hdb.floor_area == 7] = 3
hdb['floor_area'][hdb.floor_area == 8] = 4
hdb['floor_area'][hdb.floor_area == 9] = 5
hdb['floor_area'][hdb.floor_area == 11] = 6
hdb['floor_area'][hdb.floor_area == 12] = 7
hdb['floor_area'] = 'C' + hdb.floor_area.astype('str')

Geocoding and Clusters

In my second post on feature engineering, we looked at how we could extract much more information from the addresses provided in the dataset. We constructed addresses using the block numbers and street names, ran them through the HERE API to obtain geographic coordinates, and ran those through K-Means clustering to obtain clusters for each of the 26 towns in the dataset. Below, we re-generate and attach the clusters to the main dataset.

# Load coordinates
map_latlon = pd.read_csv('latlon_data.csv')

# Set index to address
map_latlon = map_latlon.rename({'address': 'search_address'})
map_latlon = map_latlon.set_index('address')

# Separate the mappings
map_lat = map_latlon['lat']
map_lon = map_latlon['lon']

# Create search address feature
hdb['search_address'] = hdb.block + '+' + hdb.street_name.str.replace(' ', '+') + '+SINGAPORE'

# Map coordinates to main dataset
hdb['lat'] =
hdb['lon'] =

# Optimal clusters
clust_results = [7, 5, 6, 7, 7, 4, 5, 6, 5, 5, 3, 6, 5, 7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 5, 8, 5, 5, 4, 2, 1, 2]

# Create dataframe
disp_clust = pd.DataFrame(
    [, clust_results], index = ['Town', 'Clusters']

# Get list of towns
all_towns =

# Initialise cluster feature
hdb['cluster'] = 0

# Loop through
for town in all_towns:
    # Extract town data
    temp_dat = hdb[['lat', 'lon']][ == town]
    temp_dat = temp_dat.reset_index(drop = True)

    # Normalise
    temp_mm = MinMaxScaler()
    temp_dat_scaled = pd.DataFrame(temp_mm.transform(temp_dat), columns = ['lat', 'lon'])
    # Get optimal clusters
    opt_clust = disp_clust.loc[town][0]
    # Fit optimal clusters:
    temp_km = KMeans(n_clusters = opt_clust, random_state = 123)
    # Attach labels
    hdb['cluster'][ == town] = temp_km.labels_ + 1

# Rename cluster feature
hdb['cluster'] =' ', '_').replace('/', '_') + hdb.cluster.astype('str')

# Save data

With that, we have generated two categorical features that I will use to demonstrate several categorical feature encoding techniques:

  • floor_area: Decision tree bins for floor area
  • cluster: Cluster within towns

Before we begin, let’s clean up the dataset for easy previewing:

# Re-load data
hdb = pd.read_csv('hdb_categorical.csv')

# Delete unwanted columns
hdb = hdb.drop(['month', 'flat_type', 'block', 'street_name', 'storey_range', 'flat_model',
              'lease_commence_date', 'remaining_lease', 'search_address', 'lat', 'lon'], axis = 1)

Categorical Feature Encoding Techniques

There are two types of categorical features: nominal and ordinal features. Nominal features do not have any order to them. An example of this would be the clusters we developed. Ang Mo Kio Clusters 1 and 2 have no ordinal relation other than the arbitrary numbering I gave them. Ordinal features have some meaningful order behind them. Our decision tree bins can be thought of as an ordinal feature because bin 1 contains resale flats with the smallest floor area, while bin 7 contains resale flats with the largest floor area.

Ordinal Encoding

The first and most intuitive way to encode a categorical feature is to assign integers to each category. This applies mainly to ordinal features, since there is some hierarchy among the categories. Since we have 7 bins for floor area, we can encode it with the numbers 1 to 7. A decision tree model can process this by making splits between 1 and 7, or by singling out categories (e.g. floor_cat_ordinal == 7 vs. floor_cat_ordinal != 7).

# Reset data
df = hdb.copy()

# Get categories
all_cats = sorted(df.floor_area.unique())

# Convert floor_cat to ordinal feature
df['fa_ord'] = df.floor_area.astype('category', ordered = True, categories = all_cats) + 1

# Preview
df.groupby('fa_ord').head(1).sort_values(by = 'fa_ord')
town floor_area_sqm resale_price floor_area cluster fa_ord
0 ANG MO KIO 60.0 255000.0 C1 ANG_MO_KIO3 1
2 ANG MO KIO 69.0 285000.0 C2 ANG_MO_KIO1 2
32 ANG MO KIO 92.0 385000.0 C3 ANG_MO_KIO5 3
118 BEDOK 103.0 418000.0 C4 BEDOK5 4
57 ANG MO KIO 110.0 755000.0 C5 ANG_MO_KIO4 5
51 ANG MO KIO 125.0 533000.0 C6 ANG_MO_KIO1 6
53 ANG MO KIO 138.0 580000.0 C7 ANG_MO_KIO1 7

Note that we could also employ the same approach for a nominal feature. However, the numbers assigned would be purely arbitrary. As such, there may not be much intuition in applying ordinal encoding to nominal features.

One-Hot Encoding

The second way to encode a categorical feature is using one-hot encoding. This involves creating a new feature for every category, and setting each feature to 1 if the observation corresponds to that category and 0 otherwise. In other words, we create one binary feature per category.

# Reset data
df = hdb.copy()

# One-hot encoding
df = pd.concat([df, pd.get_dummies(df[['floor_area']])], axis = 1)

# Drop unused columns
df = df.drop(['town', 'floor_area_sqm', 'resale_price', 'cluster'], axis = 1)

# View
df.groupby('floor_area').head(1).sort_values(by = 'floor_area')
floor_area floor_area_C1 floor_area_C2 floor_area_C3 floor_area_C4 floor_area_C5 floor_area_C6 floor_area_C7
0 C1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 C2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
32 C3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
118 C4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
57 C5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
51 C6 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
53 C7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

The downside to using this technique is that we end up adding many sparse features (many zeros) to the dataset. Imagine what would happen if we were to apply this approach to nominal features: we would have 134 new features to analyse. Fortunately, there is a neat way to generate fewer binary features: binary encoding.

Binary Encoding

Binary encoding converts integers into their bitstrings, and generates one binary feature per digit. I’ll demonstrate this on the cluster feature to show how effective it is on categorical features with high cardinality.

# Reset data
df = hdb.copy()

# Set up binary encoder
hdb_binary = ce.binary.BinaryEncoder()

# Calculate digits:
# hdb_binary.calc_required_digits(X = df[['cluster']], col = 'cluster')
# Output: 9

# Fit, transform, and append features
df = pd.concat([df, hdb_binary.fit_transform(df[['cluster']])], axis = 1)

# Drop unused columns
df = df.drop(['floor_area_sqm', 'resale_price', 'floor_area'], axis = 1)

# Add binary number
df['binary'] = df.cluster_0.astype('str') + \
    df.cluster_1.astype('str') + \
    df.cluster_2.astype('str') + \
    df.cluster_3.astype('str') + \
    df.cluster_4.astype('str') + \
    df.cluster_5.astype('str') + \
    df.cluster_6.astype('str') + \
    df.cluster_7.astype('str') + \

# View
town cluster cluster_0 cluster_1 cluster_2 cluster_3 cluster_4 cluster_5 cluster_6 cluster_7 cluster_8 binary
0 ANG MO KIO ANG_MO_KIO3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 000000001
59 BEDOK BEDOK5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 000000110
148 BISHAN BISHAN4 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 000001101
173 BUKIT BATOK BUKIT_BATOK2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 000010001
234 BUKIT MERAH BUKIT_MERAH5 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 000010100

Using binary encoding, we convert a feature with 134 categories into only 8 binary features. The columns cluster_1 to cluster_8 correspond to the binary version of the integer assigned to the cluster feature (captured in the binary feature for demonstration purposes only). In this case, ANG_MO_KIO3 has been coded arbitrarily as the number 1, while BISHAN4 has been coded as the number 13.

Contrast Coding

Contrast coding is about comparing the mean of the target (resale price) for a given category (e.g. category 1 in floor area) against the mean of the means of the target for all categories. That sounds confusing, but it really isn’t. First, let’s calculate the mean of the target for each floor area category:

# Reset data
df = hdb.copy()

# Calculate target means across floor area categories
floor_area_means = pd.DataFrame(df.groupby('floor_area').resale_price.mean())

# View
C1 304573.420675
C2 352248.416638
C3 455199.014743
C4 417628.500689
C5 473160.796673
C6 535978.644477
C7 622046.397215

Next, we calculate the grand mean - the mean of the means above - and subtract it from the individual means:

# Calculate grand mean
grand_mean = floor_area_means.mean()

# Subtract
floor_area_means - grand_mean
C1 -146974.463770
C2 -99299.467806
C3 3651.130299
C4 -33919.383756
C5 21612.912229
C6 84430.760033
C7 170498.512771

The numbers above are essentially the coefficients on the encoded features when we run a linear regression of resale price against them. What goes on behind the scenes is the following: we simply generate n - 1 features to represent the comparison of their target means to the grand mean, with one category omitted from the comparison (in this case, category 4, which has many instances of -1).

# Set up sum encoder
hdb_sum = ce.sum_coding.SumEncoder()

# Fit, transform, and append features
df = pd.concat([df, hdb_sum.fit_transform(X = df[['floor_area']], y = df.resale_price)], axis = 1)

# Remove unused columns
df = df.drop(['town', 'floor_area_sqm', 'resale_price', 'cluster'], axis = 1)

# View
df.groupby('floor_area').head(1).sort_values(by = 'floor_area')
floor_area col_floor_area_0 col_floor_area_1 col_floor_area_2 col_floor_area_3 col_floor_area_4 col_floor_area_5 col_floor_area_6
0 C1 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 C2 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
32 C3 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
118 C4 1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0
57 C5 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
51 C6 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
53 C7 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0

There are several other techniques that involve comparison of means. Helmert encoding, Reverse Helmert Encoding, Backward Difference Encoding, and Forward Difference Encoding all compare the target mean of one category with the mean of the target for other categories or groups of categories. Understanding Contrast Encoding is sufficient to understand the core concept of comparing means. Hence, we need not dive into the above techniques. Nevertheless, it is worth testing them out on your own if you wish to experiment with more categorical encoding schemes.

Stats Encoding

Stats encoding requires us to replace each category with some statistic about the target. For example, we could add the mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation of the target for each floor area category.

Note: I performed the log transformation on resale prices before calculating the statistics.

# Reset data
df = hdb.copy()

# Log transform resale price
df['log_price'] = np.log(df.resale_price)

# Calculate means
fa_means = df.groupby('floor_area').log_price.mean()

# Calculate standard deviations
fa_std = df.groupby('floor_area').log_price.std()

# Calculate coefficients of variation
fa_cv = fa_std / fa_means

# Create new features
df['fa_means'] =
df['fa_std'] =
df['fa_cv'] =

# Drop unused features
df = df.drop(['town', 'floor_area_sqm', 'cluster', 'resale_price'], axis = 1)

# View
floor_area log_price fa_means fa_std fa_cv
0 C1 12.449019 12.612001 0.167384 0.013272
2 C2 12.560244 12.751954 0.194041 0.015217
32 C3 12.860999 12.996433 0.243862 0.018764
118 C4 12.943237 12.921575 0.194310 0.015038
57 C5 13.534473 13.039018 0.224441 0.017213
51 C6 13.186277 13.163824 0.229672 0.017447
53 C7 13.270783 13.323070 0.186554 0.014002

Stats encoding enables us to convert categorical features back into numeric features and save on the total number of features added to the dataset, especially when the categorical feature being converted is of high cardinality. For example, using the same computations above, the cluster feature is expanded to only three columns:

# Reset data
df = hdb.copy()

# Log transform resale price
df['log_price'] = np.log(df.resale_price)

# Calculate means
cl_means = df.groupby('cluster').log_price.mean()

# Calculate standard deviations
cl_std = df.groupby('cluster').log_price.std()

# Calculate coefficients of variation
cl_cv = cl_std / cl_means

# Create new features
df['cl_means'] =
df['cl_std'] =
df['cl_cv'] =

# Drop unused features
df = df.drop(['floor_area_sqm', 'floor_area', 'resale_price'], axis = 1)

# View
town cluster log_price cl_means cl_std cl_cv
0 ANG MO KIO ANG_MO_KIO3 12.449019 12.806781 0.292011 0.022801
59 BEDOK BEDOK5 12.413087 12.776089 0.274420 0.021479
148 BISHAN BISHAN4 12.879017 13.062051 0.351218 0.026888
173 BUKIT BATOK BUKIT_BATOK2 12.449019 12.792429 0.263350 0.020586
234 BUKIT MERAH BUKIT_MERAH5 12.542545 13.133030 0.424531 0.032325

Feature Interactions

In this section, we explore meaningful interactions between features using decision trees. I demonstrate this using flat type and floor area categories. To begin, we need to group some flat types together because there are two categories that have very few observations (1-room and multi-generation flats). We attach them to the next closest categories (2-room and executive flats).

# Re-load data
hdb = pd.read_csv('hdb_categorical.csv')

# View
    values = 'floor_area_sqm',
    index = 'flat_type',
    aggfunc = [len, np.mean, np.median]
).rename(columns = {'len': 'count'})
count mean median
1 ROOM 28.0 31.000000 31.0
2 ROOM 725.0 45.366897 45.0
3 ROOM 17886.0 68.408750 67.0
4 ROOM 28612.0 95.887191 94.0
5 ROOM 16885.0 118.262718 119.0
EXECUTIVE 5618.0 144.000000 145.0
MULTI-GENERATION 13.0 162.384615 164.0
# Attach 1-room flat to 2-room flat category
hdb['flat_type'][hdb.flat_type == '1 ROOM'] = '2 ROOM'

# Attach 1-room flat to 2-room flat category
hdb['flat_type'][hdb.flat_type == 'MULTI-GENERATION'] = 'EXECUTIVE'

# View
    values = 'floor_area_sqm',
    index = 'flat_type',
    aggfunc = [len, np.mean, np.median]
).rename(columns = {'len': 'count'})

Combining the 5 flat types and 7 floor area categories, we obtain 20 combined categories. This is because some flat types and floor area categories are not compatible e.g. 1-room and C7, the largest floor area category. I performed one-hot encoding on the features to convert them to a usable form for the decision tree. Then, I set themin_samples_leaf parameter, which is the minimum number of samples in an end node, to be 1/35th of the data (about 2,000). I also increase max_depth, the maximum depth of the tree, to 20 to allow for more end nodes.

# Create new feature for flat type X floor area
hdb['type_X_floor'] = hdb.flat_type + '_' + hdb.floor_area

# Prepare data
X_train = pd.get_dummies(hdb[['type_X_floor']])
y_train = hdb.resale_price

# Configure decision tree regressor
dt_interact = DecisionTreeRegressor(
    criterion = 'mse',
    max_depth = 20,
    min_samples_leaf = 2000,
    random_state = 123

# Fit data, y_train)

# Plot
dt_data = tree.export_graphviz(
    dt_interact, feature_names=X_train.columns,
    out_file=None, filled=True,
    rounded=True, precision = 0

# Draw graph
int_graph = pydotplus.graph_from_dot_data(dt_data)  

# Show graph
Image(int_graph.create_png(), width = 750)

The decision tree model gave us 9 categories:

  1. 3-Room flat with floor area category C1
  2. Executive flat with floor area category C7
  3. 5-Room flat with floor area category C6
  4. 3-Room flat with floor area category C2
  5. 4-Room flat with floor area category C4
  6. 4-Room flat with floor area category C2
  7. 5-Room flat with floor area category C5
  8. 4-Room flat with floor area category C3
  9. Others

See the table below for the summary statistics of resale price for each category.

# Extract end nodes
hdb['type_X_floor_id'] = dt_interact.apply(X_train)

# Re-name end nodes
hdb['type_X_floor_id'][hdb.type_X_floor_id == 8] = 'Other'
hdb['type_X_floor_id'][hdb.type_X_floor_id == 9] = '4-room and C3'
hdb['type_X_floor_id'][hdb.type_X_floor_id == 10] = '5-room and C5'
hdb['type_X_floor_id'][hdb.type_X_floor_id == 11] = '4-room and C2'
hdb['type_X_floor_id'][hdb.type_X_floor_id == 12] = '4-room and C4'
hdb['type_X_floor_id'][hdb.type_X_floor_id == 13] = '3-room and C2'
hdb['type_X_floor_id'][hdb.type_X_floor_id == 14] = '5-room and C6'
hdb['type_X_floor_id'][hdb.type_X_floor_id == 15] = 'Exec and C7'
hdb['type_X_floor_id'][hdb.type_X_floor_id == 16] = '3-room and C1'

# Summarise
int_sum = hdb.pivot_table(
    values = 'resale_price',
    index = 'type_X_floor_id',
    aggfunc = [len, np.min, np.mean, np.median, np.max, np.std]
).rename(columns = {'len': 'count', 'amin': 'min', 'amax': 'max'})

# View
count min mean median max std
3-room and C1 11962.0 170000.0 308547.119702 300000.0 645000.00 54117.039961
3-room and C2 5712.0 206000.0 336330.989279 323000.0 888888.88 66381.179991
4-room and C2 2700.0 255000.0 385922.618519 360000.0 742000.00 85023.593735
4-room and C3 15949.0 225000.0 455238.890135 418000.0 1028000.00 125347.254027
4-room and C4 8244.0 275000.0 412737.461640 393000.0 852000.00 81862.680409
5-room and C5 5497.0 315000.0 485573.205683 443888.0 1145000.00 132101.267003
5-room and C6 9996.0 300000.0 537967.401725 495000.0 1180000.00 138279.756453
Exec and C7 5277.0 390000.0 631651.504620 610000.0 1160000.00 112003.601242
Other 4430.0 175000.0 462390.614898 440000.0 1150000.00 166154.386757

To evaluate the fit of the model, we compute the RMSEs of the different features. Performing the computations for the interactive feature categories, we find that the weighted average of RMSEs was 73.22% of the RMSE for the dataset ($144,174).

# Define function to get square root of mean
def rmse(x):
    return np.sqrt(np.mean(x))

# Calculate total MSE
hdb['tss'] = (hdb.resale_price - np.mean(hdb.resale_price)) ** 2
total_rmse = rmse(hdb.tss)

# Calculate RMSE for interactive feature
# Extract means
int_means = int_sum['mean']

# Map to existing data
hdb['int_means'] =

# Calculate squared errors
hdb['int_se'] = (hdb.resale_price - hdb.int_means) ** 2

# Summarise
int_rmse = hdb.pivot_table(
    values = 'int_se',
    index = 'type_X_floor_id',
    aggfunc = [len, rmse]
).rename(columns = {'len': 'counts'})

# Calculate weights
int_rmse['weight'] = int_rmse.counts/hdb.shape[0]

# View
counts rmse weight
3-room and C1 11962.0 54114.777874 0.171456
3-room and C2 5712.0 66375.369059 0.081873
4-room and C2 2700.0 85007.847167 0.038700
4-room and C3 15949.0 125343.324338 0.228604
4-room and C4 8244.0 81857.715273 0.118165
5-room and C5 5497.0 132089.250696 0.078791
5-room and C6 9996.0 138272.839525 0.143277
Exec and C7 5277.0 111992.988308 0.075637
Other 4430.0 166135.632381 0.063497

Performing the same computations for floor area and flat type give us similar RMSEs of 72.39% and 73.68% respectively.

Overall, creating an interaction feature between flat type and floor area did not reduce the RMSE of the dataset, although it helped us to reduce 12 binary features from flat type and floor area into 9 from the interaction feature (more like (1) 12 into 20 through one-hot encoding and (2) 20 into 9 using a decision tree). The cost of using this interaction feature would be a loss of information because we end up compressing 20 features into 9. We also end up being unable to assess the importance of flat type and floor area independently. These costs in intuition and flexibility must be weighed against the potential increase in prediction accuracy.


In this post, I demonstrated 5 techniques for encoding categorical features and showed how pairs of categorical features can be combined to form interaction features. Like the choice of technique for the binning of numeric features, there is no way to choose a categorical feature encoding or interaction scheme without testing all of them out as part of the overall machine learning pipeline. Only through cross validation can we select the scheme that will perform best on unseen data.

With that, we have come to the end of this subseries on (the first, and hopefully, last round of) feature engineering. We will have to re-visit the feature engineering phase if the machine learning models are unable to satisfactorily detect patterns in the data. I hope this subseries has been of use. To encourage you to dive deeper in this area, I quote Andrew Ng, the former Chief Scientist of Baidu:

“Coming up with features is difficult, time-consuming, requires expert knowledge. ‘Applied machine learning’ is basically feature engineering.”
-Andrew Ng

Click here for the full Jupyter notebook.

Credits for images: Public Service Division; The Star
Credits for data: