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Local Server (Without Docker)

Note that this approach launches a development server (not a production server), but it should suffice for individual use.


  1. Docker
  2. Docker Compose


Clone this repo to a local directory:

cd <your-directory>
git clone

Then, create a .env file in the agamotto directory with the following variables:

API_KEY=<TD Ameritrade API key>
EMAIL=<Email cum username to initialise admin account>
PASSWORD=<Password to initialise admin account>

I have yet to upload the image to Docker Hub. Until then, you’ll need to build the Docker image locally:

cd agamotto
docker build --tag agamotto .

Coming Soon: Pull the container image directly from Docker hub.


Make sure you’re in the agamotto folder. Launch the app in detached mode using Docker Compose. It can be accessed at localhost:5050.

cd agamotto
docker-compose up -d

To shut down the app, run the command in the agamotto folder:

docker-compose stop