Mindset: The New Psychology of Success

Characteristic Fixed Mindset Growth Mindset
Fundamental Assumption Intelligence is static Intelligence can be developed
Impact Leads to a desire to look smart and therefore tendencies to… Leads to a desire to learn and therefore tendencies to…
Challenges Avoid challenges Embrace challenges
Obstacles Get defensive or give up easily Persist in the face of setbacks
Effort See effort as fruitless or worse See effort as the path to mastery
Criticism Ignore useful negative feedback Learn from criticism
Success of Others Feel threatened by the success of others Find lessons and inspiration in the success of others
As a result… May plateau early and achieve less than their full potential Reach ever-higher levels of achievement

To adopt a growth mindset:

  1. Embrace your fixed mindset. We are a mix of growth and fixed mindsets.
  2. Be aware of your fixed-mindset triggers. When does it surface? When you’re pressured? When you’re challenged?
  3. Give your fixed-mindset persona a name. This helps with internal communication.
  4. Educate your fixed-mindset persona. Acknowledge him/her when he/she emerges, then show him/her the growth-mindset way of doing things.