Singapore's Best Mobile Phone Plans

Introduction This week, I’m taking a break from the HDB resale flat pricing model and turning my attention to a hotter topic: mobile phone plans. Some of my colleagues noted an arbitrage opportunity in Singtel’s offer for the iPhone XS / XS Max on its Combo 12 plan. The idea... [Read More]

(Re-)Exploring HDB Resale Flat Data in 17 Graphs

A New Approach About a year ago, I published my first post on data&stuff. I applied econometric techniques to develop three least squares regression models to explain HDB resale flat prices. A year on, I’m re-visiting the expanded dataset (now includes an additional year of data) with new skills and... [Read More]

Preventing Training Data Contamination

Contamination? Lately, I’ve been working a lot on the Kaggle Titanic competition. To pick up good data science practices, I’ve been taking the time to work through many issues in my machine learning pipeline. One issue that I discovered in the pipeline was contamination. Contamination occurs when you include information... [Read More]
Tags: techniques

A Fresh Start!

WordPress to GitHub, R to Python.

It’s been a while since I’ve posted on my data&stuff (WordPress) blog. The reason is that I’ve come to the realisation that while R is extremely useful, Python is the future. I spent the past few weeks picking up Python: I did several online courses and I’m currently working on... [Read More]